Pool Spring Top Offs in Harrison Township, Michigan- Sun and Fun Pools
Hello, I’m Jed Toureau with Sun and Fun Pools located in Harrison Township, Michigan. Our phone number is 586-466-3838 and our website is sunandfunpools.com. We’ve been servicing the Wayne, Oakland, Macomb and St. Clair counties now for about 9 years.
It is the beginning of February and now is the time to start thinking about opening your pool. We’re family owned and operated and have been opening pools now for a long time. We do an excellent job.
Call now to schedule your opening or closing, and save $25 if you schedule them both at the same time. Also, we own and operate our own water trucks. So, for those of you that need a spring top off, we can do them both. We can top off your pool, and also open your pool for you. For now, or for more information, please call Sun and Fun Pools at (586) 466-3838.